Breast Reconstruction

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ

Breast Reconstruction can be an invaluable step on the road to recovery after a double mastectomy or breast cancer treatment.

With a specialized, experienced surgeon like Dr. David L. Abramson, this procedure can make you feel whole once again. If you have lost part or all of your breast tissue to injury or illness, Dr. Abramson is here to help you love the way your body looks and feels.

Whether you need a breast reconstruction in the present or anticipate needing one in the future, Dr. Abramson is here to answer any questions you may have. We will help you rebuild your confidence and comfort, safely and respectfully. Dr. Abramson and his helpful staff look forward to meeting you!

What is Breast Reconstruction?

Losing a breast to disease or injury can be devastating for a woman. A lumpectomy (partial removal) or mastectomy (full removal) can leave you feeling physically and emotionally incomplete. With breast reconstruction you can regain your feminine silhouette with the creation of soft, natural-looking breasts.

Breast reconstruction is one of the most rewarding procedures for a plastic surgeon. Dr. David L. Abramson has been honored to use his skills to help women in Manhattan and neighboring communities feel whole again.

Breast reconstruction is a highly customizable procedure designed to restore shape, volume, and an attractive appearance overall to the breasts. Depending on the existing breast tissue, the breasts can be reconstructed in a single procedure, or the patient may need to wear a spacer or breast expander for a few months and return for a second procedure to receive their implant(s).

Breast Reconstruction & You

Every breast reconstruction is tailored to the unique needs of the patient. Dr. Abramson will listen to your concerns and give you a comprehensive physical exam, so he can gauge what will work best for you. In order to guarantee your treatment plan will be the most appropriate and safest for you, Dr. Abramson will also assess your medical history and current medication use.

Dr. Abramson will answer any questions you have about breast reconstructions and ensure you are feeling as comfortable as possible about your surgical choices. He will make sure you are knowledgeable in your implant and flap transfer procedure options before you make any decisions about your reconstruction.

Dr. Abramson’s breast reconstruction patients come from all over the New York City region, including Englewood and Manhattan. He and his staff have extensive experience helping women rebuild their breasts – and their lives. Dr. Abramson artfully tailors every breast reconstruction to flatter the unique needs of your figure to help you get back to enjoying the way you look and feel. There are many factors involved when you are deciding whether to undergo breast reconstruction.

Qualifications For Breast Reconstruction

If you have lost breast tissue to injury or illness, you may be a good candidate for breast reconstruction. Survivors of breast cancer and patients who anticipate receiving a lumpectomy or mastectomy are good candidates to meet with Dr. Abramson to learn more about how breast reconstruction can restore their comfort and confidence with their body. You are a good candidate for breast reconstruction if:

  • You are able to cope well with your diagnosis and treatment.
  • You do not have additional medical conditions or other illnesses that may impair healing.
  • You have a positive outlook and realistic goals for restoring your breast and body image.
  • You understand that your reconstructed breast will likely not have the same sensation as your original breast tissue.

Candidates will see their best outcomes if they are non-smokers. Smoking can interfere with the body’s healing after surgery. If you have undergone radiation, a lumpectomy, or a mastectomy, breast reconstruction with Dr. Abramson can help restore a feeling of comfort and balance to your body.

About Breast Reconstruction Surgery

There are numerous techniques for breast reconstruction.

The most common breast reconstruction procedure is an implant-based reconstruction which is usually performed in several stages, first placing a tissue expander and then replacing it with the perfect permanent implant several months later. Other options for breast reconstruction can include tissue from the abdomen either a tram flap or D IEP flap. Tissue from the buttock, posterior thigh and back can also be used.

When determining the best treatment for patients undergoing breast reconstruction is important to understand whether a patient is having a single or bilateral mastectomy, whether they have significant medical issues or previous past surgical procedures that may affect the blood supply to the surgical area.

Breast reconstruction combined with mastectomy can have a significant length recovery and patient should be prepared to take a significant time off from work.

Breast reconstruction is a complex surgical procedure and can have complications ranging from small bleeding and infection to more severe complications that can lead to complete loss of the reconstruction.

Patient should be aware of these issues and they should be discussed extensively with her surgeon prior to undertaking the surgical procedure. Secondary procedures such as implant reconstruction, nipple reconstruction, tattooing and fat grafting can all be performed to improve the cosmetic result and restore the appearance of the breast to his natural shape and feel as possible.

Breast reconstruction encompasses various methods:

  • The flap technique repositions a woman’s own muscle, fat and skin to create or cover the breast mound.
  • Tissue expansion involves the insertion of an expander that is slowly filled, via an internal valve, for several months to stretch the skin.
  • A breast implant can be an addition or an alternative to the flap technique.

Your surgeon will help you determine the best option for you. Patients can have their breast reconstruction performed with their mastectomy or lumpectomy, or they can delay it until all their other treatments are done.

Flap Technique Options

Diep Flap

A Diep Flap breast reconstruction will take donor fat, skin, blood vessels, and tissue from the lower abdomen to create the breast tissue.

Tram Flap

A Tram Flap breast reconstruction uses fat, skin, blood vessels, tissue, and muscle from the lower abdomen to create the new breast tissue.

Latissimus Dorsi Flap

The latissimus dorsi is a large muscle in the back that stretches from the armpit to the middle of the back. This option is best for candidates who don’t have enough abdominal tissue to do the Diep or Tram Flap. The tissue is taken from close to the chest, making it possible for the transferred muscle and blood vessels to be connected again to the vessels.

Gluteal Flaps

Muscle and tissue can be taken from the buttocks to create tissue for the breast.

PAP Flap

Tissue and blood vessels are taken from the upper posterior thigh, underneath the buttocks, to create new breast tissue.

Breast Reconstruction Before & After Pictures

When you are researching breast reconstruction, photos of fellow patients can help you evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure. Dr. Abramson encourages you to browse his Before and After Gallery before your initial consultation.

Before and After Photos


While a breast reconstruction can take time to recover from, the results will last for the long-term. Breast reconstructions allow women to reclaim their bodies and move forward feeling confident and attractive.

Coordinate a friend or family member to drive you home and assist you once you have been released following your breast reconstruction. The rate at which the body accepts transferred tissue depends on the individual. In general, patients need to take six to eight weeks off to allow their body to heal and settle into its new contours. Plenty of rest will be necessary during this time. Do not lift your arms above your head during the first two months of your recovery.

Bruising, swelling, and soreness are common following breast reconstruction surgery but they will improve over a six to eight week period.

Some patients will receive a double mastectomy and have their breast reconstruction performed immediately after. Many patients will receive their breast reconstruction in two or three phases. Patients may have their lumpectomy or mastectomy and decide to have their reconstruction surgery after this initial recovery period.

Patients may need to have a separate procedure to receive a breast tissue expander, which will be worn for six to eight weeks.

After an appropriate amount of room is created in the breast pocket, patients will return to receive their implant and/or tissue transfer, which will then require another six to eight weeks of downtime. Patients who receive a tissue transfer will experience soreness in two areas of their body, their donor site, and their breasts. Patients may receive their desired implant at this time or at a later date.

What are Breast Reconstruction Costs?

For your financing needs, Alphaeon™ and Prosper® are offered.. The procedure is highly individualized, so breast reconstruction prices will fluctuate accordingly. If you would like to garner more detailed information about breast reconstruction costs, then please discuss your case with Dr. Abramson and his expert staff.

Breast reconstruction may be deemed medically necessary and is sometimes covered by medical insurance. Our friendly staff will help you coordinate with your health insurer to determine your options.


How long does it take to recover from breast reconstruction surgery?

The amount of time you will need to take to recover from your breast reconstruction will depend on the needs of your case and your goals for your breasts. Patients may receive a breast expander and return six to eight weeks later to receive a tissue transfer and/or transplant. After the patient receives her breast reconstruction, she will need to take another six to eight months to recover and allow her new breast tissue to settle in place. A patient’s personal recovery timeline will vary based on her unique body and the surgical phases required to achieve her desired results.

What happens during breast reconstruction?

The details of your breast reconstruction surgery will vary based on your existing breast tissue and your goals for your appearance. Your surgery will likely take place over multiple stages. You may receive a tissue expander and need to wait two months before the next stage of your surgery.

Dr. Abramson may need to create new breast tissue using tissue or muscle from the lower abdomen. Depending on the patient’s available donor tissue, Dr. Abramson may construct a new breast using tissue and muscle from the patient’s back or buttocks, or tissue from the upper posterior thigh. Patients can also receive their preferred size and type of implant at this time.

Patients will subsequently decide whether or not they want to undergo additional cosmetic procedures, such as nipple reconstruction, tattooing, or fat grafting to later improve the results of their breast reconstruction.

Want to see your new you before the procedure?

With Crisalix's 3D imaging technology you can see how you would look post-procedure if full 3D.

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