Jeuveau – Anti Wrinkle Solution

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ


Jeuveau is a neuromodulator approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an anti-wrinkle remedy. Jeuveau can treat fine lines and wrinkles in the face, particularly the lines between the eyebrows often called “the elevens.”

Read our blog to learn all the latest on Dr. David Abramson’s non-invasive medspa treatments. 

Stave Off Early Signs of Aging

As we get older, our faces start to acquire lines and wrinkles that we don’t want. We may feel wiser, but we don’t want to look wizened. Some patients prefer to start combating those fine lines as they appear, without waiting decades before a more invasive treatment such as a facelift might be necessary. Why wait until you are 50 to start rejuvenating your face? Stave off those early signs of aging with Jeuveau. Age gracefully, the way you want, with Jeuveau.  

Let Dr. David Abramson help you sustain your youthful appearance. Dr. Abramson specializes in anti-aging treatments that restore and maintain your youthful appearance. You can reach Dr. Abramson to schedule a consultation by calling (212) 774-1828 in New York City and (201) 731-3134 in Englewood.

What is Jeuveau?

Jeuveau, by Evolus, might be a newer product than Botox, but it’s based on proven medical research on neuromodulators. An affordable alternative to other neuromodulators like Botox and Xeomin, Jeuveau has been generating buzz as an anti-wrinkle treatment among a younger crowd than might be expected. While all facial neuromodulators originate with botulinum, Jeuveau uses a unique formula based on Evolus’ carefully developed purification process. Technically, Jeuveau is classified as the neuromodulator prabotulinumtoxinA.

What Are Neuromodulators?


Neuromodulators are a special class of substances that negate the communication between muscle tissue and nerve cells. Sometimes called neuromuscular blockers, they have the intriguing ability to prevent muscle contractions and muscle tension by inhibiting the nerve cells from signaling the muscles. This interruption of communication means muscles do not tense up and contract during times of stress, intense emotion, or other instances. “Frown lines” and “worry lines” earned those sobriquets by appearing when people frequently frown or worry. Frowning and worrying can cause excessive muscle tension as facial muscles remain contracted for prolonged periods. Over time, frequent frowning or tense facial expressions get etched into our faces. It could be said that time causes our faces to grow in ways that reflect our expressions. Injections of neuromodulators into strategic locations on our faces prevent those muscles from tensing up and contracting. This way of coaxing our muscles to stay relaxed means that wrinkles and lines don’t have the opportunity to form. By relaxing facial muscles, Jeuveau ensures those fine lines and wrinkles are smoothed out. Double-blind, placebo studies have shown that Jeuveau can safely and effectively treat moderate and even severe glabellar lines. Glabellar lines are the lines that form between your eyebrows.[1]

Benefits of Jeuveau

Jeuveau is a great treatment for the fine lines that form due to muscle tension and contraction. These can include:

  • Glabellar lines (“the eleven”) – Vertical frown lines in between the eyebrows that resemble the number 11.
  • “Frown lines” – Horizontal frown lines appearing on the forehead.
  • “Smile lines” – Tiny wrinkles that form on the sides of the mouth.
  • “Crow’s feet” – Tiny wrinkles that appear on the corners of the eyes.
  • Brow furrows – Creased skin around the eyebrows and forehead.

Am I a Good Candidate for Jeuveau?

Good candidates for Jeuveau are at least 18 years old and are in good health. Patients should not have any nerve or muscular conditions that could interfere with Jeuveau. You’ll want to postpone Jeuveau treatments if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. It’s important to have realistic expectations as there are certain types of deep creases that cannot be treated by neuromodulators. 

Your Confidential Consultation With Dr. David Abramson

When you sit down with Dr. Abramson, he will review your medical history and conduct an initial assessment. Make sure to mention any allergies or nerve and muscle conditions you might have to ensure they wouldn’t interfere with Jeuveau treatments. After you discuss your aesthetic goals, Dr. Abramson will go over your treatment plan with you. Dr. Abramson brings his years of medical training and surgical experience to the table to help you reach your goals. Feel free to contact our office at (212) 774-1828 with any questions you might have. You can also set up an appointment to speak personally with Dr. Abramson.

Preparation for Jeuveau Injections

Preparing for Jeuveau is similar to preparing for Botox or Xeomin. One week before your appointment, refrain from taking aspirin and other over-the-counter medication such as Motrin or ibuprofen. Follow Dr. Abramson’s instructions regarding any prescription medication you are taking. Add fruits and vegetables high in vitamin K to your diet. As you may experience swelling and redness, plan your social calendar accordingly after treatments. 

The Jeuveau Procedure


You might not be able to identify them all, but there are 43 muscles in your face. Targeting the ideal injection site for your specific case is a matter of knowledge and experience. Experienced surgeons like Dr. Abramson know how to select the proper injection locations, which are crucial for achieving safe and effective results. 

When you sit down for your injections, your face will first be cleaned. After cleaning, Dr. Abramson will mark your face to properly guide the injections. He employs a very small needle to perform the pinpoint injections. Then, Dr. Abramson will inject the Jeuveau into the facial muscles that correspond to your treatment plan. The entire procedure only takes about 15-20 minutes to perform.


Some patients may experience tenderness, swelling, bruising, and redness after injections for a few days. These conditions are normal. If you experience any discomfort, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Abramson. Make sure you don’t rub or massage your face after injections. This may cause the injection to migrate to other areas of your face which could cause unwanted effects such as drooping features.


Most patients can expect to see full results after within 7 days. The area injected will show noticeably fewer wrinkles and skin creases. Results from Jeuveau can be expected to last up to 4 months.

Myofascial pain syndrome is a disorder where sensitive muscles may cause pain in unrelated parts of the body. A pilot study that used Jeuveau to treat patients with myofascial pain syndrome showed that patients saw reduced pain and improved quality of life with no adverse effects.[2]  This initial study suggests that Jeuveau may be used in treatments in the future for a variety of neuromuscular facial conditions.

Complementary Procedures


Because neuromodulators can only treat lines and creases that result from muscle tension and contractions, there are some wrinkles that can’t be remedied by Jeuveau injections. Some of the deep wrinkles that form through the natural aging process require a different remedy. Dermal fillers are soft-tissue injectables that can smooth some of these wrinkles that Jeuveau can’t reach. Dermal fillers are often paired with neuromodulators as they treat different types of facial lines and complement each other nicely. Dermal fillers can also be used to restore lost facial volume, a key factor in a youthful appearance.

You may want to treat other instances of sagging or loose skin that can’t be treated by either Jeuveau or dermal fillers. In this case, Cryoskin 3.0 may be recommended by Dr. Abramson. A Cryoskin 3.0 aims to subtly recontour your face to bring back balance and tighten up that loose skin. 

What is the Cost of Jeuveau in New York City?

The cost of Jeuveau depends on the specifics of your case, your desired results, and the treatment plan Dr. Abramson devises for you. In general, Jeuveau is slightly more affordable than Botox but that depends, in part, on current market conditions. Dr. Abramson will go over your treatment plan and provide you specific prices at the time of your initial consultation.


How is Jeuveau different from Botox?

Jeuveau uses its own proprietary formula and purification system. While the foundation of all neuromodulators is botulinum, each has a different manufacturing process. As all patients are different, some may experience better results with Jeuveau while others might have bodies that respond better to Xeomin or Botox. Dr. Abramson is committed to finding the treatment that works best for you. 

How long does it take for Jeuveau to show results?

Usually, it takes about 2-3 days before the first noticeable results from Jeuveau become apparent. In about 7 days, the full results will be visible.


  1. Beer, K. R., Shamban, A. T., Avelar, R. L., Gross, J. E., & Jonker, A. (2019). Efficacy and Safety of PrabotulinumtoxinA for the Treatment of Glabellar Lines in Adult Subjects: Results From 2 Identical Phase III Studies. Dermatologic surgery: official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.], 45(11), 1381–1393.
  2. Kim, D. Y., & Kim, J. M. (2018). Safety and Efficacy of PrabotulinumtoxinA (Nabota®) Injection for Cervical and Shoulder Girdle Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Pilot Study. Toxins. 10(9), 355.

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