Banana Rolls CoolSculpting

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ

CoolSculpting for Banana Rolls

CoolSculpting for banana rolls is a fantastic way to reduce unwanted fat in the pinchable ridge below the buttocks. The process is non-invasive, so you can contour your body without the need for anesthesia or downtime.

Dr. David Abramson is a board-certified expert in the field of plastic surgery, but he is also an innovator in non-surgical techniques to slim and tone your physique. With three convenient locations in New York City and New Jersey, Dr. Abramson is perfectly positioned to bring your aesthetic dreams to life. 

Contact us online or call one of the following numbers to schedule an appointment.

New York City: (212) 774-1828

Engelwood, NJ: (201) 731-3134

Franklin Lakes, NJ: (201) 731-3134

About CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is the name of the technology that harnesses the science of cryolipolysis.[1] Cryolipolysis describes the process of freezing unwanted fat cells until they are effectively waste material. When the human body recognizes something as waste, it expels the unwanted bulk naturally through its lymphatic system.

CoolSculpting for Banana Rolls

Dr. Abramson and his colleagues have mastered the art of cryolipolysis by embracing CoolSculpting technology. They can isolate protrusions of fat and deliver controlled low temperatures beneath the skin, leaving the surrounding soft tissue unfazed and unharmed. The adipose (fat) layers of the body react differently to cold temperatures than muscles and skin do.[2] Hence, Dr. Abramson is able to sculpt away banana rolls to shape your backside to your precise specifications. 

Does CoolSculpting Work on the Buttocks?

Just as you want to define your dimensions, Dr. Abramson likes to define his terms. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of CoolSculpting for several specific areas of the body, including the upper arms, abdomen, bra fat, back fat, flanks (love handles), thighs, and the aforementioned banana roll. As you will notice, the buttocks are not included in the list above, but that does not mean Dr. Abramson can’t contour your rear end.

Most people want a round, firm backside, and CoolSculpting can help bring that ideal to reality. By reducing the size of the banana rolls that accumulate in the “underbutt” region, your buttocks will look more shapely and lifted by comparison. 

Dr. Abramson can also slim the hips, thighs, and flanks to amplify the results of CoolSculpting for banana rolls. Your buttocks will be transformed, despite the fact that no actual procedure was applied to them directly.

For an even more pronounced enhancement, consider the surgical approach of a Brazilian butt lift. By removing excess fat from the adjacent regions and transplanting it to the buttocks, Dr. Abramson can boost your backside comprehensively. 

Benefits of Body Contouring 

CoolSculpting for Banana Rolls

The benefits of reducing banana rolls fall into three major categories: physical, functional, and emotional.

There are obvious cosmetic perks to CoolSculpting the banana roll area. Bathing suits for more flatteringly, the definition of the “underbutt” region is more pleasing, and there is less of a fold below the buns.

Functionally, reducing banana rolls makes sitting more comfortable. No more chafing and pinching – just a smooth, slim new you.

Looking great can also make you feel great; not just physically, but also mentally. When you remove fat along the lower buttocks, you also reduce insecurities. By alleviating the worry that people are paying attention to all the wrong features, your confidence may soar!

Benefits of Banana Roll CoolSculpting

  • Form-fitting clothes
  • Refined contours
  • Elevated self-esteem

To experience the benefits of CoolSculpting for your banana roll area, please contact Dr. Abramson at your earliest convenience. 

Eligible Candidates

If you are a healthy individual living in New York City, Englewood, or Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, you may be eligible for CoolSculpting. The innovative fat-reduction technique is ideal for shrinking away the banana rolls that appear along the lower crest of the buttocks.

You may not be a good candidate for CoolSculpting if you have a lymphatic disorder. Please inform Dr. Abramson of any pertinent medical concerns during your comprehensive consultation. He can determine your candidacy for CoolSculpting during your appointment. 

Private Consultation

From the moment you arrive at our clinic, we want you to feel right at home. The doctor will conduct a brief physical exam to assess whether or not CoolSculpting is the ideal method to contour your physique. If so, we can move forward with the procedure. On the other hand, if a more advantageous technique will work better, Dr. Abramson can make recommendations accordingly.

The key to great healthcare is communication. In the spirit of open and honest communication, we regularly update our blog. Feel free to read through our posts and bring any questions that occur to your consultation. 

Easy Preparation

The CoolSculpting procedure is so straightforward, you may be ready for your first session immediately following your consultation. Please wear loose clothing to the office on the day of your treatment and stay hydrated to facilitate your body’s ability to flush away the affected fat cells.

The CoolSculpting Procedure

There is no anesthesia required with a CoolSculpting session because the process does not require any incisions or injections. Your clinician will simply apply gel to the treatment area before securing the CoolSculpting device to the banana rolls. Concentrated cold permeates the pinchable fat, freezing unwanted cells and signaling your body to eliminate them as waste.

CoolSculpting for banana rolls only takes about 30 minutes, but you’ll wish it lasted longer. That’s because you’ll be invited to relax and watch TV or read a book or surf the internet. The CoolSculpting device does the rest!

Rapid Recovery

There is no downtime associated with CoolSculpting, but you may feel a slight numbness in the banana rolls area. The skin along the buttocks may appear red due to the contact it maintained with the CoolSculpting device throughout the procedure. These side effects will subside over the ensuing 3-5 hours.

coolsculpting banana rolls

You can return to work following a CoolSculpting session, which typically lasts only half an hour. CoolSculpting for banana rolls is one of the many “lunchtime procedures” Dr. Abramson offers at his New Jersey and New York locations.

Remarkable Results

The human body is a work of art. The way the back transitions to the buttocks and then down to the legs is seamless… unless banana rolls get in the way. Dr. Abramson can customize a CoolSculpting treatment to reshape the rear end and minimize banana rolls for maximum effect.

Take one look at his stellar reviews and you will see how dedicated Dr. Abramson is to patient satisfaction. He is humbled by his avalanche of 5-star praise and he is committed to providing unparalleled service to New York City as well as Englewood and Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. Contact Dr. Abramson to join the ranks of his happy, healthy clientele. 

Complementary and Alternative Procedures 

CoolSculpting for banana rolls is a safe, effective way to reduce the bothersome bulges below the buttocks. Fat cells tend to accumulate in many unexpected places, however, so Dr. Abramson can tailor your treatment to the areas that distress you most.

Thigh CoolSculpting, for example, can shrink the cumbersome deposits along the upper legs. Strut with confidence knowing that unsightly bulk is whisked away without the need for surgery. Speaking of surgery, you may need some help addressing lax, loose skin after significant weight loss. A thigh lift can gently remove excess skin and acclimate your upper legs to their ideal position.

Regardless of which suite of procedures works best for your body, Dr. Abramson is your ultimate resource for aesthetic enhancement. If you are currently unable to visit our New Jersey or New York offices, consider a remote consultation from the comfort of your smart device. No matter where you log on, Dr. Abramson wants to connect you with. 


How much does CoolSculpting cost in New York?

The cost of CoolSculpting depends on how many sessions are required to deliver the results you desire. Dr. Abramson will provide transparent pricing during your comprehensive consultation. In the meantime, please visit our financing page or call one of the following contact numbers.
New York City: (212) 774-1828
Engelwood, NJ: (201) 731-3134
Franklin Lakes, NJ: (201) 731-3134

How can I get a shapely, round butt?

Every person is unique, so their aesthetic enhancements must be customized to their anatomy and needs. CoolSculpting can remove fat from the banana rolls underneath the buttocks as well as the flanks and thighs nearby. The results will accentuate the buttocks without directly treating them. For a more dramatic transformation, consider the benefits of a Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Abramson can gently extract unwanted fat from your “problem areas” and repurpose it to lift and volumize your behind.


  1. Avram, M. M., & Harry, R. S. (2009). Cryolipolysis™ for subcutaneous fat layer reduction. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: The Official Journal of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. 41 (10) 703-708.
  2. Nelson, A. A., Wasserman, D., & Avram, M. M. (2009). Cryolipolysis for reduction of excess adipose tissue. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. 28 (4) 244-249. DOI:

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