
Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ

When you think of facial wrinkle relaxers, Botox® is undoubtedly the first name that enters your mind. This leading non-surgical treatment is popular around the globe for one vital reason: it truly works.

Botox® can strategically fade the appearance of facial wrinkles, including those that cause expression lines on the forehead and around the eyes, nose, and lips, which lead to visible aging.

Our Med Spa offers this product and other non-surgical aesthetic and dermatology services. To discover if Botox® in New York is right for you, connect with Dr. David Abramson and his excellent staff today.

What is Botox®?

Botox® is not only the most popular injectable procedure in the world but also one of the most famous non-surgical cosmetic treatments in history. Botox® is a neuromodulator that affects how the brain and body communicate with each other.

Your brain directs your body on what to do with chemical signals. One way it does this is by sending these signals to your muscles, which allows your body to move. Botox® stops this from happening by blocking the target muscle from receiving the brain signal and preventing it from moving. This halts the overlying skin from contracting over the muscle, and, as a result, a particular wrinkle or fold does not form; keeping your skin smooth and taut.

Will Botox® Freeze My Face?

Many clients worry that Botox® will freeze their face, a common and completely false misconception. In fact, one of the major advantages of this treatment is that it only targets the injected muscle without impacting those surrounding it.

Who is Botox® For?

Botox® is incredibly popular for treating wrinkles that cause facial expressions, such as:

  • Forehead lines
  • Glabellar lines (“11” lines in between your eyes)
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Wrinkles caused by raising your eyebrows, squinting, smiling, frowning, or pursing your lips

Most healthy adult patients are good candidates for Botox® in New York.
When looking for eligible patients, we look for:

  • A healthy adult, free of chronic health conditions
  • A non-smoker or someone willing to temporarily quit
  • Someone who does not taking blood-thinning medications

We can further discuss qualified candidates for injectable treatments during a consultation.

What To Expect During Your Botox® Treatment

Before the Botox® injection procedure, a member of our New York medical staff will thoroughly cleanse the target area. Depending on a patient’s needs, a local anesthetic may be applied.

Then, we will inject the Botox® zones, which feels like any other injection – a quick pinch, and you are done! This will only take a few minutes, and most appointments take less than an hour.

Following your procedure, the treatment area will be cleaned again, and after a brief monitoring period, you will be cleared to leave. In most cases, patients see results almost immediately.

One of the greatest advantages of Botox® is the minimal downtime and recovery needed. After your Botox® treatment session at our New York City office, you can return to your daily life, including work, with almost no hassle or restriction.

Is Botox® Permanent?

Botox® is not permanent, and this is a good thing. Since it is made of biodegradable ingredients, your body will naturally break it down over time. This way, you do not have to worry about synthetic chemical ingredients staying in your body forever.

However, the wondrously age-defying results of your Botox® treatment will last several months at the very least, and up to a year if well taken care of. In order to maintain the beautiful effects, you can schedule maintenance appointments as needed. We strongly recommend touch-ups every four to six months.

Fade Away Your Wrinkles in New York City With Botox® Today

When you are looking for a quick and easy way to halt the progression of facial aging, Botox® may be right for you. It is one of the top cosmetic treatments in the world, offering quick and safe results with FDA-approved ingredients suitable for most healthy adults.

Discover how Botox® can help you rediscover your youthfulness. Our very own Dr. Abramson and his staff can help you remove the most common signs of facial aging by fading wrinkles and fine lines. Schedule your consultation for Botox® in New York today.