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Interested in Fat Reduction? Take It Out!

Weight loss, exercise, and other toning efforts are the preferred way of dealing with the effects of mid-life spread. However, many women and men turn to liposuction to remove troublesome fat from their backs, hips, bellies, and other areas.
For women, liposuction of the tummy, hips and back are very popular this time of year. As our bodies have been under wraps over the winter, the time is time to reveal our shapely appearances. Plastic surgeons make a few tiny incisions to access the treatment area and remove small excess fat deposits permanently, allowing women to feel more fit and trim. Recovery is just a few days. There is a garment that must be worn most of the time for six weeks, but it’s often experienced as comforting and slimming.
Male breast reduction procedures are rapidly eclipsing other forms of plastic surgery for most any adult age. Plastic surgeons remove excess fat and skin in the breast area, allowing men to feel much better about themselves and enjoy walking around without their shirts off. With a week- long recovery, it’s a great procedure to select for this summer.
If you are interested in plastic surgery, call board certified Dr. David Abramson, New York, New York and New Jersey plastic surgeon for a thorough consultation at 201-731-3134!