Mini Tummy Tuck

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ

After pregnancy or significant weight loss, you may be left with a pooch in your lower abdomen that diet and exercise cannot eliminate. Menopause and a natural decline in muscle strength and mass can lead to stubborn lower belly fat.

These changes can make it more difficult to find clothes that fit and can negatively impact your self-image. If you are in this situation, we encourage you to call our office to discover our amazing tummy tuck procedures. Learn how a mini tummy tuck in Englewood can help address your cosmetic concerns today.

What Is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

A mini tummy tuck, also called a partial abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure in Englewood that targets the area under your belly button. It is most effective when you have reached your desired weight but have extra skin or fat that has not responded to diet and exercise.

This surgery is not as invasive as a traditional tummy tuck and is typically suitable for men and women with less excess skin and fat. The incision is generally shorter and made just above the pubic area where you would normally find a C-section scar. Recovery from a mini tummy tuck generally takes two weeks, and most people return to normal activities within a month.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Mini Tummy Tuck?

People who are good candidates for a mini tummy tuck must meet specific criteria. For example, excess skin and fat must be localized to the lower abdomen, and relatively good muscle tone must exist in the upper abdomen. You must also have reached your ideal body weight, maintained it for several months, and have realistic expectations about the surgery results.

A mini tummy tuck is not for individuals with severe abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti) requiring extensive repair. You must also have enough skin elasticity to conform to the new shape after removing excess tissue.

Additionally, you must be a non-smoker or be willing to quit smoking for six weeks before and after surgery. Nicotine increases your risk of complications pre-and post-surgery, including infection. This includes tobacco smoking, chewing, vaping, nicotine gum, and nicotine patches. Generally, you must be in good overall health with no underlying medical condition that could affect surgery or healing.

What to Expect During Recovery

A mini tummy tuck is an outpatient procedure in Englewood, but you will be unable to drive immediately after due to the effects of anesthesia. Plan to have a trusted friend or relative take you home and stay with you for the first 48 hours to monitor your condition.

You can expect some pain and discomfort, usually manageable with prescribed medication. Your abdomen will be bandaged, and small drains near the incision site will remove excess fluid during the first week. These reduce the risk of infection and speed healing.

Focus on rest for several days post-surgery and do not engage in strenuous activity. However, you are encouraged to get up and walk to increase circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots. In addition, you may be advised to wear a compression garment that helps reduce swelling and supports the tissue as it recovers.

By the sixth week, most people have returned to work and resumed their normal daily activities. You can gradually reintroduce exercise but must continue to avoid straining the abdominal muscles for several months.

Get Started With Your Individualized Englewood Mini Tummy Tuck

When diet and exercise have not addressed excess fat deposits or skin on your lower abdomen, you may want to consider a mini tummy tuck. This body contouring procedure can help your clothes fit better and boost your self-confidence.

We encourage you to call the office of David L. Abramson today and schedule your consultation to learn more about a mini tummy tuck in Englewood.

Want to see your new you before the procedure?

With Crisalix's 3D imaging technology you can see how you would look post-procedure if full 3D.

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