Male Facelifts

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ

Male Facelifts New Jersey

A facelift is a surgical procedure that tightens and smooths the contours of the face by reconfiguring skin tissue and muscle, resulting in a more youthful appearance. In 2020, facelift procedures were the third most popular plastic surgery choice for Americans after rhinoplasty and eyelid lifts.(1)

Patients looking to reduce the physical signs of aging on the face, such as wrinkles and lines, may choose a facelift procedure for a more defined, reinvigorated aesthetic. Also known by its medical term “rhytidectomy” the facelift has, up until now, largely been considered a procedure that serves the needs of female patients. However, men are catching up to women in this area. Plastic surgery procedures such as the male facelift are becoming an increasingly popular option for informed men who seek surgical solutions for cosmetic issues.  

Research studies have shown that lower ratings of body image satisfaction in men are often indicators for choosing plastic surgery.(2) In search of practical ways to boost their confidence and physical vigor, modern men now have a heightened awareness of their physical appearance, and are far more likely to be proactive in seeking answers to aesthetic problems.

Born and raised in New York and New Jersey, board-certified plastic surgeon David L. Abramson, M.D. is an East Coast native who seeks to lend an expert hand with your facial rejuvenation goals. Utilizing the latest surgical techniques on the cutting edge of technology, Dr. Abramson performs rhytidectomy procedures for both male and female patients to the highest surgical standards. Call our Upper East Side offices in Manhattan, at (212) 774-1828 or one of our two additional locations in Englewood, NY at (201) 731-3134, to start your journey. Read Dr. Abramson’s expert opinion on male facelift procedures in the media with The Ultimate Guide to Facelifts for Men, an in-depth, expertly expounded look at the specifics of male rhytidoplasty. 

Before and After Photos

Facelift Before & After Patient #5732
Facelift Before & After Patient #5732
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About Male Facelifts

The modern facelift was first described by German surgeons in 1910.(3) As surgical techniques to alter the appearance of facial tissues and subdermal muscle advanced in the second half of the 20th century, many doctors desired to investigate and reposition the deeper structures of the face. However, the consensus of currently practicing plastic surgeons worldwide is to strive for a minimally invasive procedure for rhytidectomy.(4) The modern facelift procedure is now a nuanced, delicate surgery that is considerably less aggressive than it was in the past. Discover more about the fascinating history of the facelift, and stay informed with the latest innovations in plastic surgery and medspa treatments by visiting Dr. Abramson’s blog.


As we age, the chances are, the signs will show on our faces first. This becomes an even starker fact as we age, as the elasticity and tightness of our skin declines, causing furrows, flaps, and creases where we may not want them. In men, this is particularly noticeable in the neck, often causing “turkey neck,” or a laxity of the skin of the neck as a result of aging. There are several ways a facelift procedure can help, including:

  • Tightening loose skin in the face and neck
  • Minimization of existing facial scars
  • Reduction of fatty jowls
  • Reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Preservation of masculine facial definition
  • A more youthful facial appearance

Depending on the gender of the patient, there are some additional factors for surgeons to take into consideration with a facelift procedure. Men’s faces are shaped differently to women, which means that certain tissues and volumes of fat under the skin are configured in a different way. Men also have additional facial hair to consider with post-operative scarring. In addition, men who are bald may not be the best candidates for a facelift procedure as not enough hair is present to conceal the resulting scar tissue. Before your male facelift procedure, it is vital that you are well informed, and ensure a male facelift procedure is right for you. Book a virtual consultation with Dr. Abramson now to discuss the advantages of a rhytidectomy procedure, and discover the individual benefits of your facial rejuvenation.


Men from a broad spectrum of demographics and professions choose a male facelift surgery with Dr. Abramson. Our patients considering rhytidectomy wish to improve their aesthetic appearance and boost their self-confidence. Typical candidates for rhytidectomy are healthy nonsmoking individuals who want to:

  • Correct the shape of jowls (saggy skin below the chin and jawline)
  • Minimize deep smile and frown lines around the mouth and forehead
  • Retain a more youthful appearance
  • Maintain a masculine face shape

Patients who have realistic, achievable cosmetic goals for their facelift are ideal for a male facelift procedure. Find out more about plastic surgery procedures performed by Dr. Abramson, by calling (212) 774-1828 for his Manhattan practice, and (201) 731-3134 for his Englewood and Franklin Lakes locations. See the transformation a facial rejuvenation surgery could make for you here in our photo gallery.

Personal Consultation

Booking a male facelift with Dr. Abramson is simple, and the first step toward lasting cosmetic adjustments is a personal consultation. Prior to your consultation, you may be asked to provide photographs showing your face from different angles, and give a basic written account of your cosmetic issues and the goals you have for your rhytidectomy procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Abramson will ask questions about your general health and medical history. He will then listen to your aesthetic concerns regarding your facial appearance and visually assess your face and neck. Using expert care and years of professional experience in the field of plastic surgery, Dr. Abramson will provide a clear treatment plan and explain the expected outcomes of your male facelift procedure. Conveniently, he now offers virtual consultations to all of his patients. Please be sure to follow the directions regarding the size and file type of the photos you will be attaching to the inquiry form.

Preparation for a Facelift Procedure

There are some important things you need to do to prepare for your procedure. Before your male facelift, you should:

  • Discontinue use of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen)
  • Take or discontinue using medications on the advice of your surgeon
  • Stop smoking six weeks before your procedure
  • Stay hydrated before and after your procedure
  • Follow the advice of your surgeon on when to stop eating prior to your surgery
  • Arrange for someone to take you to and from your surgery
  • Prepare your home environment for post-surgery recovery

Adhering to Dr. Abramson’s pre-surgery advice will maximize the success of your rhytidectomy procedure so please follow his guidance carefully. Visit his blog to stay in the loop with the most recent developments in plastic surgery and medspa treatments.

Facelift Procedure

facelift procedures

A facelift procedure is roughly four hours in length and is performed under general anesthesia. There are three main subtypes of facelift procedure: traditional facelift, mini facelift and extended facelift. Dr. Abramson will advise you on which procedure fits your needs after a thorough assessment in your consultation.

Traditional Facelift

In a traditional facelift procedure, Dr. Abramson makes an incision that runs from the temples along the hairline to the bottom of the earlobes. Alternatively, this incision can be made past the jawline to reduce the appearance of jowls. Traditional facelift procedures enable a skilled surgeon to reposition muscle and reshape facial attributes before carefully excising the excess skin and redraping the newly shaped tissue over the facial musculature.

Mini Facelift

The shorter mini facelift procedure is an excellent choice for younger patients with greater skin elasticity with great post-operative outcomes. This procedure targets loss of definition, wrinkles, and minor sagging in the lower face only. The shorter time it takes to perform a mini facelift means less anesthesia and a reduced period of recovery time.

Extended Facelift

An extended facelift involves a longer initial incision from the temples, behind the auricle of the ear to the hairline. Unlike the mini facelift, the extended rhytidectomy incisions are made with the lower face and neck in mind. Special attention is paid to the reconfiguration of muscle and the reshaping of problematic skin in the jaw and upper neck areas, for a smoother, younger-looking facial appearance.

To see every plastic surgery option available in Manhattan, Englewood, and Franklin Lakes, NY, please scroll through Dr. Abramson’s procedures page.

Recovery from a Facelift Procedure

Recovery from a facelift procedure is between 1-2 weeks. During this time, you should expect some temporary bruising and discomfort as your newly revitalized face begins healing. You will leave your surgery with an elastic compression garment that adheres securely around the face and neck. To optimize a safe, speedy recovery, Dr. Abramson advises his patients to keep this bandage on for the first few days, and do the following things:

  • Keep your head elevated to reduce swelling
  • Wear the compression garment until directed otherwise
  • Take the prescribed pain relievers by Dr. Abramson to counter discomfort
  • Keep moving (gently) to encourage blood flow to the healing area

You will start to notice the appealing results of your facial rejuvenation when the temporary swelling subsides. A follow-up appointment with Dr. Abramson will be arranged to remove the sutures in the subsequent weeks after your facelift procedure and your healing is nearing its completion.


Facial rejuvenation procedures produce substantial improvements in physical and mental wellbeing, and are steadily increasing in popularity with our male patients. Dr. Abramson’s primary goal is to ensure you are completely satisfied, and notes that his male patients usually desire, and receive a natural-looking result.


Your male facelift surgery will vary in price according to the type of facelift you opt for and the individual circumstances of your treatment goals. Financing may be available for qualified candidates. For more information, please contact our New York office at (212) 774-1828 or visit our financing FAQ for a list of common facelift queries.


Is there a difference between a facelift for a man and a facelift for a woman?

The surgical procedure for a facelift is the same for both men and women. A surgeon performing a male facelift surgery may want to focus on the neck and jowls, as sagging in these areas are more commonly associated with male aging, but the basic procedural aspects are one and the same.

Which face surgery is the best for sagging neck skin?

Although it is best to discuss your individual needs with a licensed plastic surgeon, facelifts, extended facelifts and neck lifts have beneficial results for patients with sagging neck skin.

I’m a smoker. Can I get a facelift procedure?

It is strongly advisable to stop using nicotine products entirely, including cigarettes, weeks before and after a facelift procedure. The chemicals in nicotine-based products can seriously impede the healing of the delicate tissues of the face.

Is a facelift procedure performed under general anesthetic?

Yes. A facelift procedure is usually 3-4 hours in duration and is performed under general anesthesia.

Can I drive myself home after a facelift procedure?

No. For your comfort and safety, you need to arrange for someone to drop you off and pick you up from the location of your facelift procedure.


  1. del Toro, E., & Aldrich, J. (2021). Extended SMAS Facelift. Retrieved November 12, 2021, from PubMed website: 
  2. Abbas, O. L., & Karadavut, U. (2017). Analysis of the Factors Affecting Men’s Attitudes Toward Cosmetic Surgery: Body Image, Media Exposure, Social Network Use, Masculine Gender Role Stress and Religious Attitudes. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 41(6), 1454–1462. 
  3. Ilankovan, V. (2017). Recent Advances in Face Lift to Achieve Facial Balance. Journal of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery, 16(1), 3–12. 
  4. Barrett, D. M., Casanueva, F. J., & Wang, T. D. (2016). Evolution of the rhytidectomy. World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, 2(1), 38–44. 

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