Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in New Jersey, Bergen County and Englewood, NJ
To learn more about a gynecomastia procedure and determine if a patient is a good contender, please contact our office to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. David L. Abramson. Only one phone call stands between them and their ideal physique!
About Male Breast Reduction
Although it is not often talked about, gynecomastia affects men across the country. Male breast reduction is used to treat gynecomastia, an ailment that is characterized by over-developed or enlarged breasts in men. This condition may be caused by hormonal changes, genetics, disease or certain drugs.
Male breast reduction or gynecomastia excision is frequently performed for men who have excess breast tissue, fat or skinny. The technique for this procedure will vary depending on the amount of breast tissue and ptosis of the nipple.
Frequently, efforts are made to minimize scarring on the male breast as this is an area that is visible on the beach or while playing sports.
This procedures is frequently performed with the use of liposuction for mild or moderate cases. Patient who have a small core of breast tissue can have this removed by a novel approach with use of a combination of ultrasonic Lycos suction as well as the use of a cartilage braider to remove this core of tissue. This procedure eliminates the need for significant scarring around the areola which will help lead to a more pleasing cosmetic result. More extensive cases can require a more formal breast reduction procedure and sometimes even a free nipple graft.
Before and After Photos
What Causes Male Breasts?
Believe it or not, Gynecomastia is caused by an affliction of the endocrine system that leads to the inflation of male breast tissue. As a result, the increase in male breast size tends to round out the masculine frame, making it appear more feminine. There are many circumstances and scenarios that can trigger this condition, including the following:
- Alcohol and particular recreational drugs
- Natural aging
- Herbal products or supplements
- Specific medications
- Liver or kidney diseases
- Klinefelter disease
- Overproduction of estrogen
- Thyroid problems
- Innate hormone changes and imbalances
Overall, this condition has the potential to adversely affect a man’s self-assurance, leaving him insecure about his own body. Men suffering from Gynecomastia tend to avoid social outings that involve either swimming or going to the beach out of shame for their enlarged breasts. However, the effects of Gynecomastia can be fixed with a gynecomastia surgery, otherwise known as a male breast reduction procedure.
Issues Addressed By Gynecomastia Treatment
- Excess localized fat
- Excess glandular tissue development
- A combination of both excess fat and glandular tissue
Male breast reduction patients are generally old enough to have a stabilization in breast development. Sometimes, adolescents can benefit from the procedure, but secondary surgeries may be needed in the future.
Dr. Abramson will perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine whether male breast reduction can work for the patient. From New York City to Englewood to Manhattan, Dr. Abramson is proud to have helped hundreds of men in our community feel better about themselves with male breast reduction.
What is Gynecomastia Surgery?
Gynecomastia (male breast reduction) procedure functions by excavating the overabundance of tissue and fat in the chest, thus minimizing the size of male breasts. A scalpel is used to eliminate excess glandular (breast) tissue. Conversely, any extra adipose (fat) tissue is expelled using liposuction. Both methods used in the gynecomastia procedure will help to trim and define a man’s chest to chiseled perfection.
After this body transformation, men will feel more at ease and confident while being in specific social settings in which showing off the chest is the norm, such as the beach. Experiencing this higher level of self-esteem can even boost a man’s quality of life, overall. Dr. Abramson executes his male breast reduction procedures with cutting-edge technology that incomparably minimizes the risk of surgery. Along with the latest and greatest in medical science, very small incisions are employed, paving the way for better results and quicker recovery times. To inquire about a gynecomastia consultation with Dr. Abramson, contact either our New York City office or New Jersey locations.
Good Candidates
Ideal candidates for male breast reduction are typically men whose condition cannot be improved through alternative medical treatments. Gynecomastia candidates are men who want a chiseled chest, get rid of surplus tissue and fat, and strive for a more streamlined masculine shape. Males with enlarged breasts are viable contenders for this surgical procedure if fitness routines and healthy dietary intake have failed to produce desired results. Overall, gynecomastia patients ought to be in superb health and hold a pragmatic outlook on the procedure and its results. The best contender will not possess any underlying health issues that can be a detriment to the healing process or final, procedural outcomes. For intended patients, it is crucial to preserve a balanced weight and secure medical clearance for gynecomastia surgery.
Individuals under the age of 18 are not ideal contenders for this type of surgical procedure. Men who are seriously considering a gynecomastia surgery ought to be fully developed. This is mostly because certain cases of gynecomastia subside on their own after the developmental stage of puberty. Middle-aged men between the ages of 40-60 predominantly gravitate towards treatment for Gynecomastia.
After scheduling the gynecomastia procedure, Dr. Abramson and his staff will procure a list of instructions for the patient to adhere to the weeks preceding their treatment. It is medically advised that patients who smoke kick the habit at least three weeks before their surgery. Also, any anti-inflammatory medications should be avoided for a minimum of two weeks before the procedure. If questions persist for the patient during this period, we want to reassure them to contact the facility and talk with their surgeon or any member of our experienced staff.
Surgery Information
There are two main techniques for male breast reduction. The chosen method depends on the specific physical traits of the gynecomastia. For example, if the enlarged breasts are primarily due to fatty tissue, then liposuction alone may be used. However, if glandular tissue or excess skin are to blame, then excision is often recommended. Sometimes, male breast reduction will be treated with both lipo and excision.
All of these methods require incisions, most of which are concealed within natural contours. Others may result in visible scars, though, which is sometimes a necessary result of male breast reduction.
A typical gynecomastia procedure employs the use of general anesthesia and allows for a same-day discharge from our facility. After the patient goes under the anesthetic, Dr. Abramson will initiate the operation, starting with the fundamental incisions around the male breasts, which will be made under the chest or around the areola (nipple). To remove excess fat from these areas, the surgeon will implant a very small tube, also known as a cannula, into the strategically spaced incisions. Using high-power and vacuum-like suction, the cannula will extract any surplus of fat. Then, the surgeon will eliminate any undesirable glandular (breast) tissue upon shaping the chest into the patient’s aspired silhouette.
Once a sufficient amount of breast tissue has been taken away, Dr. Abramson will reposition the areolas (nipples), if needed, to recover the symmetry of the male’s chest. The surgeon will be precise and meticulous, careful not to extract more fat or tissue than needed and ensure a well-balanced physique. Using sutures, the doctor will stitch the incisions and tighten the remaining skin in the affected areas. Before being escorted to a recovery area, the patient’s chest will be covered with a compression garment.
Once the gynecomastia treatment has been completed, the patient will be supervised for a couple of hours before they are discharged and allowed to go home. During this short convalescent period, bandages and surgical garments will be administered to the patient. To diminish swelling and bruising, the patient will be advised to wear the provided compression garment throughout their recovery time. Dr. Abramson will also give the patient further, detailed recovery instructions that will facilitate the best possible healing and outcomes. The surgeon will stress the importance of walking a short distance the night after the procedure to all of his post-op patients. Light exercise like this will boost overall circulation, reducing the risk of forming blood clots.
Potential complications include bleeding, infection, scarring, and on rare occasions an unsatisfactory result. However, most patients notice a significant improvement very early on and are extremely pleased with the procedure. The recovery is short, usually with minimal discomfort, and patients are back to daily activities within 4-5 days.
Rest assured that Dr. Abramson will go over all options for the surgery with each patient. He has discussed gynecomastia and male breast reduction thoroughly with patients from New York City, Englewood and Manhattan, as well as other nearby locales. Patients can trust the compassion and expertise of Dr. Abramson and his hard-working staff.
Other Procedures for Men
Dr. Abramson offers supplementary treatments that are tailored for male bodies and patients in pursuit of a more masculine frame. Male patients have the option to undergo a procedure that will complement their gynecomastia surgery and refine their results even further. The procedures most sought after by men include the following:
It is widely known that healthy eating habits and frequent physical exertion are major contributors to a slim yet firm figure. As we get older, though, fat tissue builds up and becomes more stubborn to burning off by means of diet and workouts. Men, in particular, inherit this issue with fat tissue genetically. Stubborn fat typically collects in the back, thighs, flanks, arms, and abdomen. A male liposuction procedure, also called liposculpture, specifically targets and shapes the male figure. Liposculpture is one of the most common treatments to accompany a gynecomastia surgery.
When it comes to elevating self-esteem, most men understand that the face is just as important as their figure or body image. To serve this demand, our facility offers additional cosmetic procedures to male patients who want to eliminate or minimize any traces of aging on their facial features. Dr. Abramson employs the use of particular dermal fillers and botulinum toxins to refine the appearance of the face. These anti-aging injections typically don’t require a recovery period and remain the most powerful and useful doses accessible to patients in need.
Injection procedures are not administered to men in the same way that they are to women. Dr. Abramson is professionally trained to properly treat men and women according to their different facial structures and needs.
Botox and Xeomin are botulinum toxins that are used to decrease deep, visible wrinkles. These injectables do not reduce the volume or amount of wrinkles. Instead, they alter and fix any lines or dynamic wrinkles on the face that are created from repeated muscle contractions in the event of facial expression. Typically, these wrinkles are located around the eyes, nose, mouth, and on the forehead. Botox is not just a treatment for women, but also an injection many men can benefit from.
On the other hand, dermal fillers such as Juvederm are aimed towards the treatment of static wrinkles. Static wrinkles are facial lines caused by a decline in the volume and elasticity of the skin. Unlike dynamic wrinkles, static wrinkles can be reduced by adding volume to the skin on the face, which results in a smoother surface and chiseled masculine form.
The first consultation with Dr. Abramson will involve reviewing the patient’s problematic areas on the chest, any qualms or questions about the procedure, as well as what a patient seeks to gain from a male breast reduction surgery. Dr. Abramson will then go over the patient’s medical history with the prospective patient, which will include discussing regularly taken medications and any chronic health conditions. At this time, it’s important for the prospective patient to have the necessary information and documents ready at the time of the initial consultation. This will allow Dr. Abramson not only to provide the patient safety but also thoroughly assess the patient’s specific, unique case. To make a final decision about a prospective patient’s needs and whether they are fit for the procedure, the surgeon will administer a medical evaluation towards the end of the first meeting.
Upon deciding that they are an apt contender, Dr. Abramson and the patient will discuss and strategize further to create a personalized treatment plan that includes all of the necessary procedures, leading the patient to their ideal chest silhouette; encompassing the treatment(s) needed to achieve the desired chest contour. Although it is not a requirement, the patient will then have the chance to schedule their gynecomastia surgery at the time of their initial consultation.
During this time, Dr. Abramson will suggest any additional, complementing procedures that will yield a more chiseled, manful chest. After the surgery is officially scheduled, our facility and staff will administer the preliminary instructions for the patient to follow before treatment.
The cost of gynecomastia surgery is determined on a case by case basis. Depending on the patient’s needs and aspirations and if they will require any supplementary treatments, the final cost will differ. At the time of the initial consultation, Dr. Abramson will craft the patient’s tailored treatment plan, which will allow the surgeon and facility to furnish a custom quote. For financing needs, Alphaeon™ and CareCredit® are offered. Because every surgery is different, there are no set costs for male breast reduction in our area. To receive accurate pricing, our facility encourages prospective patients to arrange for a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Abramson.
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